Dear Friends and Family,
By now, we are ALL sick of this election and the stress it has brought us. Please bare with me for there is a lot at stake in this election. This time, it is not like all the others. For the first time in our history, our country, our freedoms as we know them, are truly at risk. The checks and balances that our wise forefathers put in place to protect the country and it's Constitution from tyrany are being cleverly disarmed UNLESS WE ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is this possible, you ask?
Legislative Branch:
The House of Representatives is currently Democratic controlled with very far left liberals calling the shots (ie: Nancy Pelosi and co.). There are currently 235 Dems, 199 Reps and 1 vacancy. Next week, all 435 seats are up for election. It will be very difficult for the Reps to get back the house...
The Senate is currently evenly divided (with 2 independents). Democrats 49, Republicans 49 plus the 2 Independants. The bad news is...we already know that we will loose the few Republican seats that have been allowing us to hang in there in this election. There are 35 of the 100 seats up for election - 12 are Dems and 23 are Reps. The Dems only have to hold their seats and get 11 of those 23 Rep seats and they will have their filibuster-proof majority of 60. Soooo...we will have a Democrat majority, very left leaning Legislative Branch come Nov. 5th!
Judicial Branch:
Our Supreme Court is currently pretty evenly divided among conservative and liberal judges. If Obama wins this election he will be able to appoint up to 2 (or 3, if he gets a second term) judges. More important are the appointments made to the lower courts that would be made as well. He has already stated that he would appoint "activist" judges rather than "Constitutional/constructionist" judges. These "activist" judges will make ruling based on their concept of "fairness" NOT what is prescribed in our Constitution.
Executive Branch:
The President & Chief Executive Officer - If Obama wins, he will be the most radical, liberal president we have EVER had. While he doesn't have ALL the this case, he doesn't need it. He can and will appoint Cabinet members that will handle and run all the affairs of this country. He will have a legislative AND judicial branch that supports him and agrees with him on all his crazy policies and beliefs, and that's ALL he needs to theoretically be able to amend the entire Constitution!
- Show quoted text -
Soooo. That boys and girls, is the kind of trouble we're in right now. It would be one thing for him and Congress to pass some stupid bills and laws...but it's a whole other issue when the Supreme Court - who's decision is FINAL - rules that IT IS SO.
As we anxiously await next weeks results with butterflies in our stomachs, I ask that you see the good that has come of all this bad and not give up. If anything, it is a HUGE wake up call that has shown us that we are not invincible, that our Democracy and Freedom is not carved in stone but on a piece of paper that is up to us to not take for granted, fight for and preserve. It has shown us several disturbing and troubling facts that we can now face and do something about one way or another; how deeply divided our country truly is, how many self hating Americans are running amok, how asleep at the wheel those of us who truly love this great country have been, how allowing PC to cloud good judgment only allows wounds to fester, how history insists on repeating itself, and how perilously close we are to the abyss.
If we get the chance come Wednesday morning, we MUST address and work to repair these faults.
Now, since the fat lady has not sung yet (although I hear her warming up and running through her scales)...I will give this one last ditch effort to explain why I will NOT vote for Obama and why I think he will be extremely dangerous for this country if he is elected president and ask that if you still know someone who is undecided, that you forward this information to them. There is no excuse for not "knowing" or educating yourself after this read. I have provided links to most of my sources.
The 4 Main Reasons NOT to vote for Obama (not including all the other obvious ones):
1.) Corruption that includes voter manipulation and fraud and his plan to ensure this pattern continues in the future through the passing of the Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800, S. 1041) which removes the secret ballot from union votes giving the union bosses that support him a powerful intimidation and manipulation tool over employers and employees. ***Note: More Unions, more Democratic voters and more money for the campaigns.
Sources for Employee Free Choice Act:
Sources for Voter Fraud:
Accorn picking up the homeless and drug addicts off the streets and taking them to vote, registering one voter 72 times, registering Mickey Mouse...C'Mon!!!!!!!!!!!
2.) Radical Gun Bans and Controls of which he is an adamant supporter of including the VERY DANGEROUS S. AMDT. 1615, which would be easily passed if he were president and expands the definition of "assault riffles" to anything that penetrates the lowest level of body armour that law enforcement wears. This would literally and technically classify most hunting riffles, including shotguns and even some hand guns as "assault riffles"! Check out this breakdown by the Second Amedment Project.
Make no mistake...he WILL get around the 2nd Amendment through sneaky legal loop holes and take away the ability of the public to defend themselves!
U.S. Senate Bill, S. 397 (vote #217) 0n 7/29/05. He voted NO on this bill. The bill protects gun/ammo manufacturers and retailers from liability from the misuse of their products. In other words...if some moron shoots himself - his family can't sue the gun manufacturer or seller! Barak wants to be able to sue the manufacturers and sellers for the misuse of their products. Imagine if someone wanted to do this in the car or any other industry. Absurd!
Illinois Senate, S.B. 2165 (vote#20) on 3/25/04. He voted NO on this bill. This bill protects citizens from local anti-gun ordinances if they use a firearm to defend themselves or their families in their own homes. The bill came about after a man shot a home invader in Williamette, Illinois in 2003, after his house had been burglarized twice in 2 days! It was clearly a justified shooting but since there is a gun ban in Williamette, local officials charged the homeowner with the "crime" of possessing a firearm! When this bill was being voted on to prevent law abiding citizens from going through this again...Obama voted NO.
Illinois Senate Debate #3, Barack Obama vs Alan Keyes, 10/21/04. and Also
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on 4/2/08 (against right to carry) more from the Tribune
Chicago Tribune on 9/15/04 (against right to carry) & Chicago Tribune on 11/20/07 (for DC Gun Ban)
He refused to sign the Amicus brief in the DC vs. Heller case. Dick Cheney, 55 Senators and 250 Representatives did sign. (McCain signed it...this is the case that removed the DC Gun Ban)
Joe Biden Against Gun Ownership
Obama-Biden on Guns
3.) Socialist/Communist Ideas that he has for our country such as;
redistribution of wealth
censorship of the press
nationalized health care
mandatory service learning, youth indoctrination through the education system
"national militia".
This all sounds reminiscent of the "ninos pioneros" in Cuba and the "Commitee de Defensa" and the "S.S" of Nazi Germany. Hmmmm, NO THANKS!
He also wants to pass a bill, The Global Poverty Act, (that he sponsored and is sitting in committee right now because Bush would NOT pass it) that would forgive the debts of countless 3rd World Countries that currently owe us (and are paying us) as well as send an exorbitant amount of yearly financial aid all paid for by US tax payers!
National Militia & Mandatory Service Learning
Redistribution of wealth
Joe the Plumber
The Global Poverty Act
The Fairness Doctrine
4.) Shady past, acquaintances and alliances that any moral, law abiding and patriotic American would not be caught dead with!
Bill Ayers & the Weathermen <---MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!!!
Elimination of the Opposition planned by the Weathermen
Obama & ACORN
FINALLY! Something to think about...How do tyrants control the masses?
1. Take their money - Like the convinient financial crisis we're in that was orchestrated by none other than the thugs working with Obama and covered up by the Democrats that are now in power. Also, like the insane tax plan that will kill small businesses - you know, the ones that make over $250K or is that now $150K? Oh, and don't forget the redistribution of misery!
2. Take away their ability to defend themselves - Like the gun control and bans that Obama supports and wants to implement
3. Brain Wash the younger generations - Do I even need to explain this one? Oh, and like that mandatory "service learning" he wants to implement.
4. Eliminate the Opposition - Like his friend Bill Ayers and the Weathermen wanted...WANT to do?
Please, don't let this happen to the last beacon of hope on the planet. Remember, everyone comes to America looking for freedom, hope, prosperity - the "American Dream"! Where will YOU go if that were all destroyed?
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Go Rays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well looks like Florida's made it to the World Series once again. Congratulations to the Rays. :-)
Looking forward to an interesting series.
Looking forward to an interesting series.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Quote of the Day 10-09-08
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe
-Albert Einstein
-Albert Einstein
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
One Month and Counting!
God, is it almost over yet? I don't know about you but I have had enough of this rat race.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Becks America turns 300
Glenn Beck paints an ugly picture of America 80 years from now and I can't say I disagree with him. The very sad part of it all is that the bulk of the Communist Networks followers are clueless.
I sure hope for our sake that up is down and down is up.
I sure hope for our sake that up is down and down is up.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Left & the Crisis
It amazes me how obviously hidden things are! Or is it, how obscurely in the open they are?
Bottom line...while good, hardworking (and smart) people were busy paying their bills and programing their Ipods, (and looking the other way); really evil, alterior motive, sneaky, comminusts, fun-for-all-spoiling bastards were up to something...
From "American Thinker"
September 29, 2008
How allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank
By Ed Lasky
Wachovia Bank, a major institution, has seen its stock plummet and its continued viability called into question, as the nation's financial crisis muddles forward.
Largely ignored in this crisis is the key role played by Herbert and Marion Sandler, founders of Golden West Financial (GDW), one of the largest savings and loans in the nation. Wachovia purchased GDW for $24 billion dollars in 2006. This was one of the worst merger and acquisition deals of all time for the buyer, and remarkably excellent timing on the part of the seller. In essence, Wachovia bought a financial time bomb ticking away, onethat exploded this year, bringing down yet another former financial titan and further wrecking Wall Street.
How did this transpire and who are the Sandlers?
Herbert and Marion Sandler, a New York lawyer and Wall Street analyst respectively, bought a small California thrift in 1963 and built it into GDW -- one of the largest thrifts in the nation. The company's business was built on adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs. These were mortgages offered at low "teaser" rates that ratcheted upward as interest rates increased. They were often sold aggressively to unsophisticated home buyers who did not comprehend the vast financial risks they were taking, or who assumed that housing prices would rise high enough to provide a profit to them when they sold their houses. They were targets for lenders peddling mortgages that should have been stamped with a skull and crossbones, for these were among the most seductive and dangerous types of mortgage.
This book of business is the core reason for Wachovia's current difficulties
The Sandlers knew their business far better than any other person could. Not only were they the founders and major owners, they famously ran the company as a husband and wife team for all these years.
So why did they happen to cash out at precisely the right time? Did they see the handwriting on the wall, realizing the massive risks inherent in the mortgages they originated throughout one of the most overheated real estate markets in the nation's history? They are not talking, but when smart people cash in some of their chips, it's rarely a good time to bet against them. Nevertheless, Wachovia bet 24 billion dollars and lost big time.
The collapse was primarily caused by the GDW purchase, which became an albatross around Wachovia's neck soon after the purchase. "Wachovia found itself in ARM's Way" was the headline of a recent Wall Street Journal article. A huge percentage of these Wachovia ARMs were made to deep subprime borrowers with very poor credit scores. Most of these were "inherited from its ill-timed acquisition of Golden West" at the end of the housing boom in 2006.
The Sandlers have started to invest their billions of dollars politically, in the manner of George Soros, sugar daddy of many far-left wing groups and an early and prominent supporter of Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Soros has developed an empire of so-called 527 groups, putatively independent political activists groups that have influence within the Democratic Party. These 527 groups include the Center for American Progress, MoveOn.Org, Human Rights Watch, Media Matters and a slew of other like-minded groups .
This set of political organizations also includes the International Crisis Group, whose foreign policy staff is likely to contain the embryonic future of the State Department in an Obama Administration . Eli Pariser, who heads MoveOn.Org, boasts about his group's role in the Democratic Party:
"Now it's our party: we bought it, we own it, and we are going to take it back."
They have already done so, in large measure.
The top four donors to these 527 groups in the last Presidential election cycle (2004) were Soros, Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Steven Bing, and Herbert and Marion Sandler . Collectively they gave 78 million dollars to left-leaning 527 groups. That was just in 2004. They have become much more ambitious over the last few years.
Soros, Lewis, and the Sandlers form a core group of billionaire activists and Democrat partisans who have formed a group called The Democracy Alliance. They realized that they could magnify their power by working in unison and tapping other wealthy donors to further their agenda (the superb Boston Globe article "Follow the money" is a good primer on how money and 527 groups have come together to have a huge impact on politics in America).
The Democracy Alliance is a major avenue to help them achieve their goals. The roster of its growing membership consists of a list of billionaires and mere multi-millionaires who collectively hope to give upwards of 500 million dollars each year to further promote a left-wing agenda. A partial roster of the Democracy Alliance membership can be found here.
Half a billion dollars a year can purchase a great deal of influence.
The Sandlers certainly know quite a bit about leverage from their savings and loan days.
Among the beneficiaries of their largesse: Air America, ACORN (a group that has very close and long lasting ties to Barack Obama and has a long history of engaging in voter fraud. itizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (basically a private detective group focused on the private faults and foibles of Republicans), Media Matters, a media watchdog group that engages in harsh partisan attacks against media figures and articles it considers supportive of Republicans). The list goes on and on.
They are not merely out to elect Democrats, but to also permanently realign U.S. politics and shift our society and culture in a far-left wing direction.
One of the steps the Sandlers have taken on their own is to start ProPublica with a 10 million dollar donation, a sum which they promise to replenish annually. This is an outfit that will engage in investigative journalism and will provide its "findings" to larger media outlets for greater impact at no cost. American Thinker was among the first outlets to express wariness over ProPublica and the approach it would take given the ideology of its founding couple. Even Jane Mayer of the New Yorker described the Sandlers as hard-core partisans. Other publications shared our concern about ProPublica. Investor's Business Daily commented in an editorial:
Could a couple of left-wing billionaires really be sincere about creating a "nonpartisan," "non-ideological" center for investigative reporting? Or is the pair just paying more to drive the media agenda further left?
One problem: The Sandlers fund both leftist causes and the Democratic Party. In fact, they rank in the top tier of donors. In 2004 they gave $2.5 million, or as much money as their philanthropic ally, George Soros.
Along with Soros and billionaire Peter Lewis, the Sandlers fund some of the most important players of what is now known as the "progressive" left. In 2003, the three together funded about a third of the Center for American Progress think tank, which has close staff ties to Hillary Clinton.
Now if this enterprise were called a "progressive" nonprofit, as other projects are, it wouldn't be news. But given the chairmanship of Herbert Sandler, and Steiger's claim that ProPublica will be run according to the "strictest standards of journalistic impartiality and fairness," there's reason to wonder if this isn't a new bid to drive the political agenda leftward under media disguise.
"We will look hard at the critical functions of business and government, the two biggest centers of power, in areas ranging from product safety to securities fraud, from flaws in our system of criminal justice to practices that undermine fair elections," its Web site says.
I would be very surprised indeed if the malfeasance of ACORN will ever be investigated by Publica, for its undermining of fair elections.
Unsurprisingly, though, ProPublica has already shown that agenda-driven journalism is its founding principle. One of its first pieces of "investigative journalism" was an attack on the oil and gas industry for developing the Marcellus Shale (a vast natural gas reservoir located in northeast America). ProPublica reported that developing this domestic energy source would damage the environment and advocated that these resources not be developed.
The New York Sun took ProPublica to task for the accuracy of its reporting and for the foolishness of its conclusion: reports on a study earlier this year by a geology professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia, Gary Lash, who found that the Marcellus Shale may contain more than 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
If 10% of that is recoverable, it could supply America's natural gas needs for two years and would have a "wellhead value" of $1 trillion, according to In other words, by the time the story is over, upstate New York will end up looking not like Appalachia but like Dallas or Dubai.
The national security consequences would also be considerable. Every unit of energy that comes from upstate New York is a unit that doesn't have to come from Iran or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia or some other nation hostile to America and known for spawning or supporting terrorists.
As for the environmental risks, they are surmountable. As we noted in our July 25 editorial, "The Barnett Shale," that natural gas field has been mined without any ill effects on the metropolitan area of Dallas Fort-Worth, which sits atop it. Not only have there been no ill effects, there have been remarkable benefits in terms of prosperity, growth, and increased tax revenues.
Maybe the Sandlers are helping their political ally George Soros, a hedge fund manager who runs an offshore fund whose investors may well include some of the world's wealthiest and most anti-American petrocats. Shielded from scrutiny by offshore operations, the names of Soros's investors are a closely-guarded secret. But perhaps more than a few of them would look askance at expedited development of our own energy resources. We would be less dependent on petrodollar rich abroad, and the price of oil and gas would weaken, should domestic energy resources like the Marcellus Shale be developed.
While the Sandlers personally made 2.4 billion dollars on the 24 billion dollar sale of Golden West Financial to Wachovia, the employees (including their own former employees) and shareholders of Wachovia, including those who have invested their retirement money and children's college funds in Wachovia stock and bonds, are not doing nearly so well. Communities where Wachovia has branches that may be closed as a cost-saving measure will also suffer. But worst hurt of all will be the homeowners who were sold mortgages that they should have never been offered, by a lender far more sophisticated than they were.
And here I thought that Democrat partisans were supposed to protect the little people.
So far as I know, the Sandlers have not offered to reinvest any of their gains into Wachovia to help it recover. It appears to be far more fun taking those ill-begotten billions and use them to fund an ever-expanding "left-wing conspiracy."
Keep an eye on the Sandlers if Barack Obama becomes President. As I wrote, they know about leverage.
Ed Lasky is news editor of American Thinker.
Bottom line...while good, hardworking (and smart) people were busy paying their bills and programing their Ipods, (and looking the other way); really evil, alterior motive, sneaky, comminusts, fun-for-all-spoiling bastards were up to something...
From "American Thinker"
September 29, 2008
How allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank
By Ed Lasky
Wachovia Bank, a major institution, has seen its stock plummet and its continued viability called into question, as the nation's financial crisis muddles forward.
Largely ignored in this crisis is the key role played by Herbert and Marion Sandler, founders of Golden West Financial (GDW), one of the largest savings and loans in the nation. Wachovia purchased GDW for $24 billion dollars in 2006. This was one of the worst merger and acquisition deals of all time for the buyer, and remarkably excellent timing on the part of the seller. In essence, Wachovia bought a financial time bomb ticking away, onethat exploded this year, bringing down yet another former financial titan and further wrecking Wall Street.
How did this transpire and who are the Sandlers?
Herbert and Marion Sandler, a New York lawyer and Wall Street analyst respectively, bought a small California thrift in 1963 and built it into GDW -- one of the largest thrifts in the nation. The company's business was built on adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs. These were mortgages offered at low "teaser" rates that ratcheted upward as interest rates increased. They were often sold aggressively to unsophisticated home buyers who did not comprehend the vast financial risks they were taking, or who assumed that housing prices would rise high enough to provide a profit to them when they sold their houses. They were targets for lenders peddling mortgages that should have been stamped with a skull and crossbones, for these were among the most seductive and dangerous types of mortgage.
This book of business is the core reason for Wachovia's current difficulties
The Sandlers knew their business far better than any other person could. Not only were they the founders and major owners, they famously ran the company as a husband and wife team for all these years.
So why did they happen to cash out at precisely the right time? Did they see the handwriting on the wall, realizing the massive risks inherent in the mortgages they originated throughout one of the most overheated real estate markets in the nation's history? They are not talking, but when smart people cash in some of their chips, it's rarely a good time to bet against them. Nevertheless, Wachovia bet 24 billion dollars and lost big time.
The collapse was primarily caused by the GDW purchase, which became an albatross around Wachovia's neck soon after the purchase. "Wachovia found itself in ARM's Way" was the headline of a recent Wall Street Journal article. A huge percentage of these Wachovia ARMs were made to deep subprime borrowers with very poor credit scores. Most of these were "inherited from its ill-timed acquisition of Golden West" at the end of the housing boom in 2006.
The Sandlers have started to invest their billions of dollars politically, in the manner of George Soros, sugar daddy of many far-left wing groups and an early and prominent supporter of Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Soros has developed an empire of so-called 527 groups, putatively independent political activists groups that have influence within the Democratic Party. These 527 groups include the Center for American Progress, MoveOn.Org, Human Rights Watch, Media Matters and a slew of other like-minded groups .
This set of political organizations also includes the International Crisis Group, whose foreign policy staff is likely to contain the embryonic future of the State Department in an Obama Administration . Eli Pariser, who heads MoveOn.Org, boasts about his group's role in the Democratic Party:
"Now it's our party: we bought it, we own it, and we are going to take it back."
They have already done so, in large measure.
The top four donors to these 527 groups in the last Presidential election cycle (2004) were Soros, Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Steven Bing, and Herbert and Marion Sandler . Collectively they gave 78 million dollars to left-leaning 527 groups. That was just in 2004. They have become much more ambitious over the last few years.
Soros, Lewis, and the Sandlers form a core group of billionaire activists and Democrat partisans who have formed a group called The Democracy Alliance. They realized that they could magnify their power by working in unison and tapping other wealthy donors to further their agenda (the superb Boston Globe article "Follow the money" is a good primer on how money and 527 groups have come together to have a huge impact on politics in America).
The Democracy Alliance is a major avenue to help them achieve their goals. The roster of its growing membership consists of a list of billionaires and mere multi-millionaires who collectively hope to give upwards of 500 million dollars each year to further promote a left-wing agenda. A partial roster of the Democracy Alliance membership can be found here.
Half a billion dollars a year can purchase a great deal of influence.
The Sandlers certainly know quite a bit about leverage from their savings and loan days.
Among the beneficiaries of their largesse: Air America, ACORN (a group that has very close and long lasting ties to Barack Obama and has a long history of engaging in voter fraud. itizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (basically a private detective group focused on the private faults and foibles of Republicans), Media Matters, a media watchdog group that engages in harsh partisan attacks against media figures and articles it considers supportive of Republicans). The list goes on and on.
They are not merely out to elect Democrats, but to also permanently realign U.S. politics and shift our society and culture in a far-left wing direction.
One of the steps the Sandlers have taken on their own is to start ProPublica with a 10 million dollar donation, a sum which they promise to replenish annually. This is an outfit that will engage in investigative journalism and will provide its "findings" to larger media outlets for greater impact at no cost. American Thinker was among the first outlets to express wariness over ProPublica and the approach it would take given the ideology of its founding couple. Even Jane Mayer of the New Yorker described the Sandlers as hard-core partisans. Other publications shared our concern about ProPublica. Investor's Business Daily commented in an editorial:
Could a couple of left-wing billionaires really be sincere about creating a "nonpartisan," "non-ideological" center for investigative reporting? Or is the pair just paying more to drive the media agenda further left?
One problem: The Sandlers fund both leftist causes and the Democratic Party. In fact, they rank in the top tier of donors. In 2004 they gave $2.5 million, or as much money as their philanthropic ally, George Soros.
Along with Soros and billionaire Peter Lewis, the Sandlers fund some of the most important players of what is now known as the "progressive" left. In 2003, the three together funded about a third of the Center for American Progress think tank, which has close staff ties to Hillary Clinton.
Now if this enterprise were called a "progressive" nonprofit, as other projects are, it wouldn't be news. But given the chairmanship of Herbert Sandler, and Steiger's claim that ProPublica will be run according to the "strictest standards of journalistic impartiality and fairness," there's reason to wonder if this isn't a new bid to drive the political agenda leftward under media disguise.
"We will look hard at the critical functions of business and government, the two biggest centers of power, in areas ranging from product safety to securities fraud, from flaws in our system of criminal justice to practices that undermine fair elections," its Web site says.
I would be very surprised indeed if the malfeasance of ACORN will ever be investigated by Publica, for its undermining of fair elections.
Unsurprisingly, though, ProPublica has already shown that agenda-driven journalism is its founding principle. One of its first pieces of "investigative journalism" was an attack on the oil and gas industry for developing the Marcellus Shale (a vast natural gas reservoir located in northeast America). ProPublica reported that developing this domestic energy source would damage the environment and advocated that these resources not be developed.
The New York Sun took ProPublica to task for the accuracy of its reporting and for the foolishness of its conclusion: reports on a study earlier this year by a geology professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia, Gary Lash, who found that the Marcellus Shale may contain more than 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
If 10% of that is recoverable, it could supply America's natural gas needs for two years and would have a "wellhead value" of $1 trillion, according to In other words, by the time the story is over, upstate New York will end up looking not like Appalachia but like Dallas or Dubai.
The national security consequences would also be considerable. Every unit of energy that comes from upstate New York is a unit that doesn't have to come from Iran or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia or some other nation hostile to America and known for spawning or supporting terrorists.
As for the environmental risks, they are surmountable. As we noted in our July 25 editorial, "The Barnett Shale," that natural gas field has been mined without any ill effects on the metropolitan area of Dallas Fort-Worth, which sits atop it. Not only have there been no ill effects, there have been remarkable benefits in terms of prosperity, growth, and increased tax revenues.
Maybe the Sandlers are helping their political ally George Soros, a hedge fund manager who runs an offshore fund whose investors may well include some of the world's wealthiest and most anti-American petrocats. Shielded from scrutiny by offshore operations, the names of Soros's investors are a closely-guarded secret. But perhaps more than a few of them would look askance at expedited development of our own energy resources. We would be less dependent on petrodollar rich abroad, and the price of oil and gas would weaken, should domestic energy resources like the Marcellus Shale be developed.
While the Sandlers personally made 2.4 billion dollars on the 24 billion dollar sale of Golden West Financial to Wachovia, the employees (including their own former employees) and shareholders of Wachovia, including those who have invested their retirement money and children's college funds in Wachovia stock and bonds, are not doing nearly so well. Communities where Wachovia has branches that may be closed as a cost-saving measure will also suffer. But worst hurt of all will be the homeowners who were sold mortgages that they should have never been offered, by a lender far more sophisticated than they were.
And here I thought that Democrat partisans were supposed to protect the little people.
So far as I know, the Sandlers have not offered to reinvest any of their gains into Wachovia to help it recover. It appears to be far more fun taking those ill-begotten billions and use them to fund an ever-expanding "left-wing conspiracy."
Keep an eye on the Sandlers if Barack Obama becomes President. As I wrote, they know about leverage.
Ed Lasky is news editor of American Thinker.
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