Friday, March 13, 2009

What Will Hind Sight Reveal?

How many times have we said to ourselves "if I only knew..."?

I've been monitoring this train wreck - sorry - country, very carefully for several months. Seen the cogs on the wheel slip one after the other while I nervously wonder how many cogs are left on the wheel. All the while, people are in denial. Sure there's a whole lot of talk and complaining and whining but is anything really being done? Can anything really be done?

I fear the day when the last cog will slip and all will be plunged into darkness.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday - NOT

So it has been brought to my attention that the entire country of Iraq is without power today...reason...Mohammad's birthday. The power is cut off in observance. Wow. Im speechless.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hmmmm...Mexican-American War Part Dos????

I'm thinking that they might want to reinforce the Alamo.

It looks like the raids on the Sinaloa cartel that took place last week has stirred the hornets nest. Now we have cartels joining forces to fight the government with a whopping army of over 100,000 foot soldiers. Andale!,2933,504139,00.html

Casualty Update: Iraq

Several days ago I sent out an email notifying folks that a fellow soldier serving with my other half in Iraq, was K.I.A. His name was Staff Sgt Mark C. Baum, age 32 of Pennsylvania.

Well yesterday, March 2nd, we lost another one. I will post the information after the family has been notified and it is made public. I have started to monitor this since "D.Mack" deployed. I do this so that everyone that reads this will know that there is a person with a name behind every number.

God Speed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"The Road"

So I just finished reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy...Wow.

Just WOW. The over thinking, paranoid person that I sometimes am was affected by this book immensely. If "affected" is the right word, I am not quite sure yet. It is a deeply depressing, alarming and eye opening book but don't let the depressing and alarming keep you from reading it. It is a fast read - brilliantly written. I couldn't put it down and devoured it in 2 days.

The message in this book makes me advocate that every human being read it. Seeing the state of our world and the perilous road our country is on makes this hit a little close to home. Without giving too much away, I will say that the author's message is as clear and firm a warning as any. No doubt that humans are the main threat to humanity and civilization. Will a hand full of our fellow men be responsible for the destruction and down fall of the world? I certainly hope not but it doesn't look very good right now with the overwhelming abundance of "nut jobs" out there calling all sorts of shots. We shall live and see who will eventually "carry the fire".