Friday, March 13, 2009

What Will Hind Sight Reveal?

How many times have we said to ourselves "if I only knew..."?

I've been monitoring this train wreck - sorry - country, very carefully for several months. Seen the cogs on the wheel slip one after the other while I nervously wonder how many cogs are left on the wheel. All the while, people are in denial. Sure there's a whole lot of talk and complaining and whining but is anything really being done? Can anything really be done?

I fear the day when the last cog will slip and all will be plunged into darkness.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday - NOT

So it has been brought to my attention that the entire country of Iraq is without power today...reason...Mohammad's birthday. The power is cut off in observance. Wow. Im speechless.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hmmmm...Mexican-American War Part Dos????

I'm thinking that they might want to reinforce the Alamo.

It looks like the raids on the Sinaloa cartel that took place last week has stirred the hornets nest. Now we have cartels joining forces to fight the government with a whopping army of over 100,000 foot soldiers. Andale!,2933,504139,00.html

Casualty Update: Iraq

Several days ago I sent out an email notifying folks that a fellow soldier serving with my other half in Iraq, was K.I.A. His name was Staff Sgt Mark C. Baum, age 32 of Pennsylvania.

Well yesterday, March 2nd, we lost another one. I will post the information after the family has been notified and it is made public. I have started to monitor this since "D.Mack" deployed. I do this so that everyone that reads this will know that there is a person with a name behind every number.

God Speed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"The Road"

So I just finished reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy...Wow.

Just WOW. The over thinking, paranoid person that I sometimes am was affected by this book immensely. If "affected" is the right word, I am not quite sure yet. It is a deeply depressing, alarming and eye opening book but don't let the depressing and alarming keep you from reading it. It is a fast read - brilliantly written. I couldn't put it down and devoured it in 2 days.

The message in this book makes me advocate that every human being read it. Seeing the state of our world and the perilous road our country is on makes this hit a little close to home. Without giving too much away, I will say that the author's message is as clear and firm a warning as any. No doubt that humans are the main threat to humanity and civilization. Will a hand full of our fellow men be responsible for the destruction and down fall of the world? I certainly hope not but it doesn't look very good right now with the overwhelming abundance of "nut jobs" out there calling all sorts of shots. We shall live and see who will eventually "carry the fire".

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Okay Okay...Im Awake! Here's the Bug Out Plan

Well it's been a long time, I know. But Im back and on top of things (I think). I will be here everyday with some smart-assed thing to say, no doubt. And what better way to refresh the old blogito than a "prepare for a nuke" thread? Ok...a "be prepared" thread. It could be anything...a Katrina sized hurricane - the "big one hitting LA" - or zombies attacking - whatever.

So, yesterday I finally sat down and drew up the mother of all "Bug Out Bags" list. I also, re-vamped my "go-to" list and the several possible ways to get "there" (should the need to arise). I have decided to call a family (and friends) gathering/quasi-conference where I will "brief" all those near and dear to me on what to do in case of... and how to prepare for...and would advise you to do the same.

I can see the writing on the wall and I can take a hint. The eternal optimist in me is still hoping that I'm over reacting or misinterpreting but the don't be a dumb ass side is winning and therefore, I have gotten myself prepared and am planning to help those who are busybodies like me - get prepared as well.

Those of you that insist on building the straw hut... przzzz (making flatulence sound). Don't come to me if and/or when the wolf blows it down on you.

Now, as far as the list goes, you can add or subtract whatever items you'd like. This is "MY" ideal list I'm just simply sharing it with you. Feel free to suggest anything you think I forgot. Also, keep in mind with food and water especially, that authorities and experts recommend that you have at least 72 hours worth. You decide how much you think YOU will need to be safe and covered. If you may be snowed in for a week then you obviously will be short with a 72 hour supply.

Of course in order for this to be useful, it must all be kept packed and ready to move if need be. Emergencies are never convenient so you will always have to "adapt, improvise and overcome" Ooh-raa!

Anyway, here's the List...

Food & Food Stuff
Water purify system
Water purify tablets
Water containers
Gatorade powder
Canned foods
Dry foods
Power bars
Can opener
Zip lock freezer bags
Pot (metal)
Small oven rack sect.
Metal prong (kabob)
Garbage bags
Garbage can
Plastic baggies
Portable grill/stove
Extra propane tank
Paper towel
Disinfectant wipes
Plastic utensils
Propane tanks
Pet meds
Pet food
Pet pen & supplies

Moist wipes
Tampons/Pads Fem. hygiene
Hair Brush or comb
Hair accessories (ties)
Hand sanitizer
Toilet paper

Packing Gear
Sturdy back pack
Duffel bag
Cargo containers

Clothing Gear
Tactical boots
Hiking shoes
Flip flops
Sports bras
Cargo pants
Cargo shorts
Long sleeve t-shirts
Skull cap
Gloves (work)
Gloves (cold)
Body Armour
Gas Mask
Mask filters
Rain Poncho
Rain gear (lined)
Camel pack
Fanny pack
Sun glasses
Rubber gloves
Chem suit
Blood type patch

Misc & Legal
Driving directions
Contact list
ER phone lists
Binder w/ Documents
Insurance Info
Zip drives
Water tight container
Survival manuals
Equipment manuals
Pictures in plastic
Hard drives???
Change (quarters)
$500 in small bills

First Aid Kit
RX glasses
RX Meds (BC Pills etc)
Antibiotic Ointment
Burn Ointment
Tucks pads/wipes
Alcohol swabs
Latex gloves
Mosquito repellent
Potassium Iodine Pills
Stitch tape

Rigs & Holsters
Pistol or revolver
Spare magazines (loaded) or speed loaders for revolver
Buck knife
Cleaning Kit
Shooting glasses

Survival Gear/Tools
Fire starting kit
Sleeping bag
Space blanket
Mosquito net
Plastic sheeting
100 mph tape/Duct tape
Absorbent towlets
Compass (2)
Radio (crank)
CV radio
Hard-ground boxes
Short wave radio
Geiger meter
Multi tool
Army knife
Flashlights (LED)
Lanterns (LED)
Small Shovel
Zip ties
Bungee cords
Note pad (waterproof)
Portable toilet
I-Pod (music)
Small games
Sew kit
Citronella candles
Fire extinguisher
Bolt cutters
Compact tool kit
Windshield wiper fluid
Extra wipers
Jump cables
Gasoline Containers
Spare tire
Extra hoses and filters
Anti freeze